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Wednesday 9 August 2017

A Few Observations and Learnings

Years back, as a teenager, when I tried to understand what life is about, my initial guide as one would expect, was my parents' strictures, philosophies and experiences. They, in hindsight, were quite robust. But that was soon overridden by what my friends, peers and acquaintances considered to be cool, important or absurd. The moral of countless poorly made movies that were churned out each month, shaped it further. My small failures or success, and the ever bristly chronic pressures from the then un-diagnosed auto immune syndromes added shades to it. The journey continues. But as of date, if I am still lost in the vagaries of life, my own imperfections should be standing up and screaming Mea Culpa.

I am now at the fortieth chapter of my life. When I look back at the disoriented teenager, wish I could have told him a few things. Not that he would listen. More so, that he may keep an open mind, and may be comforted by the possibility that there is more to it than meets the eye. So a few observations:

Philosophy - Is a transitional state of mind between gloom and elation. It is nowhere close to wisdom, but may steer towards it or in equal effect, steer away from it. Take it with a pinch of salt.

Faith - Is probably the most powerful thing in this world, and opens a path to what is beyond this world. One's senses constantly try to negate or discredit it. It is a connection to what is beyond this world, and hence beyond the reach of the human senses. Faith grants you prayer, which is indescribably beautiful. Don't lose heart if a prayer did not yield a quick result. It is heard when said with a clean heart, and only the lord decides when to fulfill.

Life - Appears to be a dream, and nothing more. A powerful dream that has tied us to it. To realize the dream, do what the seemingly successful people say. To realize that it is just a dream, ignore what they say and follow the path of the heart. Over time, if you deserve to receive lord's mercy, the path will begin to lead you.

And I have to say, just as in a simple dream one's brain sets the scene, in life, one's soul sets the scene. Dreams, at times, make no sense. Dreams can be good or bad. Dreams get better when the trigger, be it the mind or the soul, is in a good place. Dreams can quite rapidly be changed or transformed, with help from the master and his messengers. Human science describes a minuscule of what is inside the dream reasonably well, but is incredibly ignorant about the dream itself. (Watch the movies Matrix, Inception and Oblivion, for fun, but discount the aliens and machines)

They talk of powerful men or women of the world. But in your own dream or bubble, you are more powerful. You close your eyes and ears, and stop your thoughts, and there will not be a single person in your bubble, till you decide to let the others back in.

Women - View with nothing but respect in your eyes. Much as you may have conflicts with a man or a woman, try not to disrespect a woman. The world is born out of them. A need for protection, affection, importance and fun may seem obvious, in women, in general. But the intricate layers and shades in a woman are beyond comprehension, and almost extra terrestrial to a man's plain. Long story short, what men can't, women can.

Men - In general, good food, good TV (entertainment) and a beautiful woman nearby is all they seem to be after, with just a few shades and layers over it. There is a primal urge to try and be the alpha somewhere. Can cause irreversible damage to the world and people around.  But seemingly less ingrained in the dream, than women, and probably easier to detach from it.

The Law -  "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." 

Fear - Is the chain that helps you survive, both in this world and in dimensions beyond the reach of this world. Fear of god, helps your soul survive. Fear of animals helps your body survive. Not something to be afraid or ashamed of. As Butch tells Arlo, in the movie The Good Dinosaur, "You can't get rid of fear. You can't beat her or outrun her. But you can get through it".